Star Wars: Echoes of Bazar – a sonic revolution with Dolby atmos at MDC mixing studio
The fan film "Star Wars: Echoes of Bazar" transports viewers to the planet Mustafar during the Old Republic era. The story follows Bazar, a young slave who defies his destiny in a world ruled by fire and oppression. This film has garnered significant attention for its...
Carlos Vielma of MDC Studios Upgrades Dolby Atmos Workflow With Avid S6
In 2021, MDC Studios became the first Dolby Atmos-certified studio in Miami, Florida. Designed and built specifically for Dolby Atmos Home Theater content creation, MDC Studios offers cutting-edge audio post-production services for the local market and the Puerto...
What Is Immersive Audio?
Immersive audio refers to a new generation of audio technologies that aim to create a more realistic and engaging listening experience. This type of audio is designed to transport the listener into the scene, rather than simply providing background sound. One of the...
What is Dolby Atmos? The immersive audio tech explained
Dolby Atmos is a revolutionary immersive audio technology that takes the traditional surround sound experience to new heights. This technology uses a combination of channel-based and object-based audio, allowing for greater separation and localization of sounds,...
The Home Studio Setup In 2022: Tips From The Pros
In this post, we will discuss how to set up a high-quality home studio at an affordable cost, with all the features you may need. In the past, it used to be extremely expensive to establish a studio, but today, thanks to digital audio technology, it has become more...
Producing Music: 5 Important Things For Music Production
Do you want to produce your own music? What are the most important aspects to produce good music? Surely you have ever wondered how your favorite artists make their songs. Music production can be a lot of work at first: Learn music theory; learning how to make...