The fan film “Star Wars: Echoes of Bazar” transports viewers to the planet Mustafar during the Old Republic era. The story follows Bazar, a young slave who defies his destiny in a world ruled by fire and oppression. This film has garnered significant attention for its gripping narrative and exploration of rebellion and freedom.
At MDC, our certified mixing studio, we are proud to have worked on the sound for this film using cutting-edge Dolby Atmos technology. Dolby Atmos transcends the ordinary listening experience, placing you in the midst of the action with spatial audio that reveals every detail of the music with exceptional clarity and depth. This technology is a game-changer in the entertainment industry, enhancing everything from films and series to music and video games.
Dolby Atmos content is widely available on major platforms like Apple, Netflix, Prime Video, and Vudu. You can also enjoy Dolby Atmos on services such as Disney+, Apple’s iTunes, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Vudu. For music enthusiasts, songs mixed in Dolby Atmos are accessible to Apple Music subscribers and through Amazon Music HD and TIDAL, while Deezer offers Sony’s 360 Reality Audio for its Deezer HiFi service.